In the document below you will find our Policy Framework & the current screening form for the Foar Elkoar Sjop.
Download the Policy Framework of the In Moaie Dei Foundation here
C. Tegelaar - Chairman
G. Spiekhout - Secretary
H. Bakker - Treasurer
A. Elverdink
A. Nauta
G. van Raak
G. Velkers
We do not use a remuneration policy
Chamber of Commerce number: 66853974
RSIN: 856725857
In Moaie Dei has knowledge about the situation of people and children who grow up in poverty. In Moaie Dei is part of local poverty networks, of which especially the cooperation with Stichting Leergeld Heerenveen Weststellingwerf, Meitinkers (in Heerenveen) De Voedselbank Heerenveen, debt counselors, Regiegroep Armoede, De Barones, Caleidoscoop, Humanitas, youth group Trinitas, and many others has developed strongly in recent years.
Stichting In Moaie Dei, works for the people (children and their families) who need it. They are our participants. Our Director and Manager maintain contact with these participants; the volunteers ensure that the participants are helped well and the board supervises this.